
How much do you know Japan?

I went to KOYASAN which is the world's cultural and natural heritage.When we went there, it was rain. We were very very cold!
At first, we went to the temple,and then the monk who is a swiss welcomed us.He guided us around the temple and told much imformation about Ko-yasan.
There are a few foreighner monk there. And then he took us to look around near the temple.
He knows the Japanese culture and history much more than us.
It looks strange because we are taught Japanese history by foreghners.
Nowadays Japanese are not interested in Japanse culture,and there are many people who don't know Japan for sure. Is it OK for Japanese future?? It tends to wether our cultures.
Actually.,when I went to Australia, my teacher often asked me about Japan, but I couldn't anser easily.Compare with other countries classmates, they do know their own country and answer easily.I ashamed about that.
It is the cultural difference, isn't it??
I felt many differences in Australia. It is a good experience for me.

1 件のコメント:

Kumiecco さんのコメント...

The essence of intercultural communication and understanding is really to understand our own culture and our identity - who we are. Today we are so luck that we can experience so many variety of cultues wherever we go. I love Koyasan too! and hoping to help international guiding association there. It is such a beautiful place - very spiritual and profound.