

 There are a lot of stereotypes in Japan. It is not good because we don’t see only one of the small parts, and it is leaning to one side.
Japan is getting international more and more, but there are some old ideas yet. Japan is still a society where our educational record counts when we find work. However in the West, people think that their personalities are the most important thing when an employer decides a worker.

Stereotype is made by mass media. Now many sort of information is flying around.
We are not sure which information is really true. We sometimes believe wrong information which is the reason of a distorted way of thinking.

 However it is so difficult to eliminate our stereotype which was already made in our mind. So, we should try to know that there are some prejudices in our mind, and make an effort not to distort thinking.

1 件のコメント:

Kumiecco さんのコメント...

True- it is really important to read media correctly ie to have media literacy. We often do not realise how strong the media influence is and how our opinions are formed. Having such awareness, however, is one very important first step. Knowing that we don't know everything is more important than trying to know everything, I think.