
**Horrible Story**

I wonder why the Japanese horror movie is more horribe than the foreign one.
Do you think so??

I can't see the Japane movie alone because it is very reality. It is said that the goast is near us when we are talking the horrible story. It is the famous event during the trip to talk about the horrible story with lying down on the huton. I can enjoy it when they are talking, but I become very fritented when they start to sleep. I never go to the toilet alone.However I can see the foreign horror movie alone, because it is a little man-made.

Do you know the 座敷童??It is a child goast and a good goast. It is the Japanese goast.They believe that if you see it, you can become happy.

Also,there are many ruins buildings in Japan like a hospital. Besides, there are many spirit places at which some pople died. Some people go there in order to test their nerves. A few people can see the goast who can't have died in peace. Sometimes they are possessed by a evil goast.
It is so horrible, isn't it??

I haven't heard of the foreign story like that. There are too many misterious place and phenomenon in Japan, so I feel the Japanese horror movie is do real.
Do you feel the reality in the foreign horror moveie??

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