
*All animals are equal*

The most interesting topic in the class is the whaling.
I think that the whaling is bad,but I rethink it once more after the discussion.

The whale is on the road to extinction.
It is rare to see the whale in the see.

By the way, do you know that we can see the whale and the dolphin in the AUS ocean??
When I was in AUS, my friend went to the whale wathing.
She told me that the whale wathing is so interesting, but there are some regulations.
AUS people are proud of the wild whales.
They think that we must not be permitted for the whale to take the power of live as we like.
They aim at the sustainable tourism.
This is the one of the rules that we can stay near the whale in the maximum 30minute.
These rules are necessary to protect the whale.

However the anti-anti-whaling said that every animal is equal.
Why is the whale particular??
The pork is not also exception.I think deeply.......

I have not found the answer yet.
It is so difficult problem, I think.......

1 件のコメント:

Kumiecco さんのコメント...

I often visit Taiji to research about whaling. Taiji is a sister town of Broome, an Australian town where many people went to work for a pearl shell industry. There is always many opinions about history, culutre and society. We need lots of thinking people like you!